F670 泄漏测试仪 标准工业规格
ATEQ经过46年的发展,有超过275,000台测漏仪在5000多位客户的工厂中使用 ATEQ在全球范围内拥有超过5,000家客户,并向他们展示了 革命性泄漏测试仪: F670.
新的电子模块,新的测量模块,新的界面,新的附件… 所有这些都是为了改善您的质量控制。
F670 : 应用

F670 : 特性
• 差压衰减泄漏测量
• 泄漏测量(AP)的大范围F.S: 50pa,500pa或5000pa
• 机械或电子调压阀,从真空到 20 bar
• 可支持多达128个程序
• 在线设置 (通过 USB)
• 2种语言 (英语+其他)
• 仪器面板支持手动快速插接校准漏口
• 内部存储器或USB闪存的数据存储
• ΔP (Pa, 1/10 Pa)
• ΔP / t (Pa/s, 1/10 Pa/s)
• 流量单位 (mm3/s, cm3/s, cm3/min, cm3/h…)
• 阻塞测试
• 其他,取决于您的应用
环境 :
灵活的通讯形式 :
• RS232: 打印机
• 从 USB: supervision
• 主 USB: USB闪存盘转移 (参数,结果……)
• 现场总线: profibus,devicenet, profinet, Ethernet/l,Modbus TCP
• 主USB其他功能(可选)后面板 (条形码阅读器 控器)读码器遥控器)
• 检测结果存储(1百万)

F670 : 规格
F670 : 选项
• 9个输入/ 7个本地输出
• 电子调压阀
• 双压力输出
• 自动校准检查
• 密封件检测所需的两路气源控制输出
• 连接器
• 6 x 24 V programmable outputs for
• 外部自动控制…
F670 : 下载手册
F670 : 技术
By far the most popular technology, differential pressure decay uses a reference volume to test your part. This helps compensate for any ambient pressure or temperature variations as they occur on both parts simultaneously.
Only a leak on the test part will result in a movement of our transducer’s membrane.
The second advantage of this method is that the accuracy does not drop with the test pressure as the transducer is measuring pressure differences between the two circuits, as opposed to the traditional pressure decay technology that measures pressure drops against the atmosphere.
Direct measurement principle
The part under test 3 and the reference part 5 are filled to an identical pressure. A differential sensor 4 measures the pressure variation between the part under test 3 and the reference part 5. In some applications, the reference part can be replaced by a cap.

Desensitized test
This mode is used for the measurement of large leaks, when the reject level required is above the full scale of the differential sensor.
The test pressure is applied to the input of the part under test 3. The measurement is performed by the pressure sensor 2.
Other type of tests are available in option